Personalized Content Recommendations


Audience Relevance


Engagement Boost


Increase in Qualified Leads

Identable's powerful AI engine analyzes your audience data and social media performance to provide tailored content recommendations, ensuring your posts are always relevant and engaging.

Increased Marketing Qualified Leads

Identable's intelligent content optimization and scheduling tools have driven a steady increase in marketing qualified leads throughout the year.

Maximise Visibility and Engagement Across Channels

Optimise content distribution across social media for maximum reach. Tailor content to resonate with your target audience on each platform. Leverage interactive features to drive higher engagement.

Customisable Content Templates

Unique Branding

Tailor templates to reflect your brand identity and visual style

Flexible Layouts

Adjust the structure and format to suit your content needs

Streamlined Creation

Quickly build compelling posts with pre-designed, customisable templates

Consistent Aesthetics

Maintain a cohesive look and feel across your social channels

an illustrated image showing two people siting at the desk in the office and working on laptops.

Intelligent Content Optimization

Identable's all-in-one platform simplifies your social media management, empowering you to create, schedule, and optimize content with ease.

Real-Time Performance Tracking


24/7 Monitoring

Track your social media performance round the clock


Real-Time Insights

Access valuable data and analytics in real-time


Quick Optimisation

Quickly identify and address underperforming content

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Identable and how can it help me?

Identable is an all-in-one LinkedIn tool that leverages the power of AI to enhance your LinkedIn experience. It allows you to create better LinkedIn content, schedule your posts at optimal times, build new relationships, and monitor your results. Whether you’re an individual looking to grow your personal brand or a company aiming to boost your team’s presence on LinkedIn, Identable offers features and solutions to meet your needs.

How can Identable's AI assist me in creating LinkedIn content?

Identable’s AI-powered features provide you with fresh ideas and inspiration for your LinkedIn posts. With an advanced content inspiration layer, you can generate AI-inspired posts, and receive AI-picked inspirations tailored to your niche and industry. Say goodbye to endless hours of writing your next LinkedIn post and let Identable streamline your content creation process.

Does Identable offer scheduling capabilities for LinkedIn posts?

Absolutely! Identable simplifies the process of scheduling and managing your LinkedIn content. It offers a best-in-class post composer and an easy-to-use queue system that allows you to schedule your posts for specific times and dates. You can also take advantage of the convenient “add to queue” button to fill up your LinkedIn content calendar effortlessly. Identable empowers you to stay organized and publish your content at the right time for maximum impact.

Can Identable help me convert engagement on my LinkedIn posts into meaningful relationships?

Yes, Identable recognizes the importance of turning likes, comments, and shares into valuable relationships and actionable leads. It provides features to help you engage with specific individuals based on their interactions with your posts. You can import LinkedIn accounts from people who have shown interest in your topics, use LinkedIn Sales Navigator to import results into a Identable list, and create self-updating lists of people who liked and commented on your posts. Take your online presence to the next level by nurturing meaningful connections.

Does Identable offer analytics to measure the success of my LinkedIn strategy?

Absolutely! Identable provides easy-to-understand LinkedIn analytics that enable you to evaluate the effectiveness of your LinkedIn activities. You can access your main key performance indicators (KPIs) as soon as you access the analytics section, explore your top-performing posts over any selected period, dive into detailed post analytics to identify what worked well, and even access individual and team statistics. Identable’s analytics empower you to make data-driven decisions and optimize your LinkedIn strategy.