LinkedIn's Social Selling Index (SSI)

Leveraging LinkedIn's Social Selling Index: A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding and Boosting Your SSI Score

LinkedIn's Social Selling Index (SSI) is a valuable metric that provides insight into how well you are leveraging LinkedIn to build relationships and drive business opportunities. In this comprehensive guide, we will cover everything you need to know about the SSI, including what it is, why it matters, how to improve your score, and tips to maximize your LinkedIn presence.

What is the LinkedIn Social Selling Index?

The LinkedIn Social Selling Index (SSI) is a score from 1-100 that measures your effectiveness at social selling on LinkedIn. It was developed by LinkedIn in 2014 after analyzing the behaviors of top sales professionals on the platform.

Social selling refers to leveraging your social networks and relationships to connect with prospects and drive sales. The SSI score evaluates four key pillars of social selling:

  • Establishing your professional brand - having a complete profile and sharing valuable content
  • Finding the right people - identifying and connecting with ideal prospects
  • Engaging with insights - sharing, commenting on, and liking content
  • Building relationships - communicating and nurturing connections

The SSI provides a benchmark to assess your social selling skills on LinkedIn. The higher your score, the better you are performing across these four pillars.

Why is the LinkedIn SSI Score Valuable?

Focusing on improving your SSI score has several benefits:

  • Stronger personal brand - Top scores signal you are an industry leader.
  • Content engagement - You can track how your posts resonate with your network.
  • Network growth - Connecting with more of the right people improves your score.
  • Relationship building - Nurturing connections boosts your SSI.

In short, the SSI measures the impact of your social selling efforts on LinkedIn. The higher your score, the more effective your activities.

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How to Find Your LinkedIn SSI Score

Checking your SSI score is simple:

  1. Go to while logged into your LinkedIn account.
  1. Your overall SSI score (from 1-100) will be displayed.
  1. You can also see your scores for each of the four pillars of social selling.

Make sure to check your SSI regularly to benchmark your progress. Most experts recommend checking it monthly.

What Makes a Good SSI Score on LinkedIn?

According to LinkedIn, being in the top 10% for your industry is considered a good SSI score. But what number is that exactly?

The average SSI score is around 40. Professionals who actively use social selling techniques typically score above 70. Top social sellers often have scores above 80.

However, these numbers vary based on your industry. Focus on improving your weakest areas and benchmark yourself against peers in your field.

Tips for Improving Your LinkedIn SSI Score

Here are some best practices for boosting your SSI score:

Optimize Your LinkedIn Profile

Your profile is the foundation of your professional brand on LinkedIn. To maximize your SSI:

  • Use a professional profile photo
  • Include a detailed summary highlighting your expertise
  • List your full work history and achievements
  • Add Skills to showcase your strengths
  • Include education, certifications, volunteer work
  • Get endorsements and recommendations

Studies show profiles with these elements convert up to 80% better.

Share Valuable Content

Posting engaging content improves your professional brand pillar. To boost your SSI:

  • Share articles, images, videos, and presentations
  • Create and share content optimized with relevant keywords
  • Post consistently - start with 1-2 times per week
  • Monitor engagement and refine your strategy

Comment and Like Content

Interacting with content shared by others shows your insights and knowledge.

  • Take time daily to Like and comment on at least a few posts
  • Leave thoughtful comments that demonstrate expertise
  • Reply to comments on your own content
  • Use hashtags and tag people to expand reach

The more quality interactions, the higher your SSI for this pillar.

Connect with the Right People

Growing your network with relevant contacts improves your SSI.

  • Review profiles before connecting to ensure shared interests.
  • Personalize connection requests to improve acceptance rate.
  • Engage new connections by liking and commenting.

Strengthen Relationships

Nurturing connections builds the relationships pillar of your SSI.

  • Congratulate connections on work milestones
  • Share connections' content with your network
  • Use LinkedIn messaging to start meaningful conversations
  • Schedule meetings to continue discussions offline
  • Provide value to your network by sharing insights

Going Beyond the SSI Score

While the SSI provides a helpful snapshot, make sure to analyze your efforts further. Some ways to go deeper:

  • Track views, likes, and engagement on your posts. This shows content resonating with your audience. Use ShieldApp or LinkedIn's analytics.
  • Monitor profile views and connection requests. This reveals your brand visibility and appeal.
  • Measure conversations and leads generated. This allows you to calculate ROI on your social selling. Use a CRM or LinkedIn Lead Gen Forms.
  • Review feedback and comments. This provides qualitative insights into how your network responds.

While the SSI score has its merits, combining it with more in-depth analytics provides a complete view to refine your strategy.

FAQs about the LinkedIn Social Selling Index

Is the SSI score available for free LinkedIn accounts?

Yes, you can access your SSI score through LinkedIn's free social selling tools. No premium account is needed.

How often does the SSI score update?

LinkedIn recalculates the SSI daily based on the latest activity and connections. The score changes over time to reflect improvements.

Can companies have an SSI score?

No, the SSI only applies to individual LinkedIn profiles. However, optimizing employees' SSI can increase a company's sales and brand visibility.

What happens if I ignore my SSI?

Your SSI will likely stagnate or drop if you are not consciously working to improve it. Checking it regularly (monthly) helps boost your results.

Is there an ideal SSI score I should target?

Aim for at least 70, but the higher the better. Top social sellers often have scores above 80. Compare yourself to others in your industry.

Conclusion and Next Steps

In summary, LinkedIn's Social Selling Index provides valuable insight into how well you are leveraging LinkedIn to build relationships, establish your brand, share insights, and drive sales opportunities.

To recap, make sure to:

  • Check your SSI score monthly to benchmark progress.
  • Optimize your profile to strengthen your professional brand.
  • Grow your network by connecting with relevant prospects.
  • Share valuable content consistently to demonstrate expertise.
  • Engage with your network by liking, commenting, and sharing.
  • Track additional metrics beyond just the SSI to refine your approach.

By monitoring your SSI and taking the steps outlined in this guide, you can maximize your LinkedIn presence to achieve your social selling and business goals.

To start improving your SSI today:

With focus and consistency, you can leverage LinkedIn to build impactful connections and drive real business results. What steps will you take today?

Here is a helpful video overview of the SSI score: