Social Media Management will only increase an importance

I. Introduction

Social media management is a rapidly growing field with lots of potential. A social media manager is responsible for overseeing an organization's social media accounts and strategy. Their day-to-day may include creating content, engaging with audiences, monitoring analytics, and more.

With over 4 billion social media users worldwide, demand for social media managers is higher than ever. In fact, according to recent data:

  • The number of social media manager positions posted on LinkedIn increased by over 60% from 2020 to 2021

  • 97% of marketers say that social media is important for their business

It's clear that nearly every brand needs help managing their online presence. This creates ample opportunities for aspiring social media managers to start working or even build their own agency.

This article will provide an in-depth guide covering everything you need to know to become a successful social media manager in 2023 and beyond.

II. Skills and Knowledge Needed

To succeed as a social media manager, there are several key skills and areas of knowledge needed:

  • Creativity and design skills - You'll need to create visually appealing graphics, images, and videos. An eye for good design is essential.

  • Strong copywriting ability - Writing compelling captions and posts is crucial for engagement. Strong copywriting skills are a must.

  • Understanding of analytics - You'll need to analyze performance and metrics. Being able to interpret data and identify trends is important.

  • Knowledge of platforms - Understanding the nuances of each platform is vital for success. You must be able to:


Key Knowledge


- Facebook algorithm<br>- Ad formats<br>- Insights tool


- Instagram algorithm<br>- IG Stories<br>- Creative best practices


- Threads<br>- Hashtags<br>- Video specs

  • Adapting content - You need to be able to tailor content and strategy for each platform. A one-size-fits-all approach won't work.

Gaining the right skills and knowledge will ensure you can create effective campaigns and thriving social media presences.

III. Day-to-Day Responsibilities

A social media manager's day-to-day responsibilities can vary, but often include:

Managing social accounts - This entails scheduling content, engaging with audiences, monitoring conversations, etc. on the brand's profiles.

Creating content - Developing engaging posts, graphics, videos, Stories, etc. Creativity is key here. Types of content include:

  • Graphics
  • Videos
  • Images
  • Captions

Monitoring analytics - Keeping tabs on key metrics and performance. Preparing reports on:



Follower growth

Weekly follower gains/losses

Engagement rate

Likes, comments, shares


Links clicked, website traffic

Community management - Responding to comments, queries, and messages in a timely manner.

Developing strategy - Planning social campaigns and initiatives to help achieve goals and objectives.

The day-to-day of a social media manager is fast-paced and varied. You must manage multiple responsibilities and wear different hats. Organization is crucial.

IV. Getting Started as a Social Media Manager

Here are some tips for getting your start as a social media manager:

Get certified - Complete online courses and certifications, especially from the platforms themselves:

  • Do an internship - Look for internship opportunities to gain hands-on experience and build your resume.

  • Offer your services for free - Manage accounts for free to build your portfolio. Reach out to brands you want to work with.

  • Optimize your profiles - Ensure your LinkedIn and resume highlight your skills, certifications, and metrics-driven achievements.

Network and look for openings - Leverage your network and check job boards to find entry-level openings. Roles to look for:

  • Social Media Specialist
  • Social Media Coordinator
  • Social Media Manager
  • Digital Marketing Assistant

With the right skills and experience, you can land your first social media manager role. Be proactive in gaining knowledge, experience, and connections.

V. Growing a Social Media Management Agency

Once you've gained experience as a social media manager, you may look to start your own agency. Here are some tips:

  • Focus on outreach - Reach out to potential clients on social media, especially those with smaller followings who need the most help.

  • Provide excellent service - Deliver results for your initial clients to retain them long-term. Ask for referrals and testimonials.

  • Hire specialists - Build a team of specialists instead of generalists. This allows you to scale more efficiently. Roles to hire:some text
    • Graphic designers
    • Copywriters
    • Video editors
    • Virtual assistants
  • Focus on organic growth - Build effective organic social strategies before exploring paid advertising options. Paid ads work best when organic presence is already strong.

  • Set clear expectations - Be upfront with clients about expected results and metrics. Manage expectations from the start.

With strategic hiring, excellent service, and the right offerings, you can scale your social media agency past the 6-figure mark.

VI. Conclusion

Becoming a social media manager presents a lucrative career path given the growing demand for professionals who can guide brands' online presence.

The role requires creativity, writing skills, analytical thinking, and platform expertise. Gaining hands-on experience via internships and certifications is key for getting started.

As a social media manager, your responsibilities will include managing accounts, creating engaging content, monitoring analytics, and developing strategy. Organization and adaptability allow you to excel.

With experience, you can look to build out your own agency and scale your services. Focus on organic growth strategies, hire specialists for efficiency, and deliver excellent service to grow.

In 2023 and beyond, social media management will only increase in importance. This guide covers everything you need to know to become a successful social media manager or entrepreneur in this emerging field.